The Asian Association for Environmental History (AAEH: Link to New Website) was launched on 1 July 2023. It follows a decision made at the General Meeting of the Association held during EAEH 2023 in Daejeon, Korea to rename the Association for East Asian Environmental History (AEAEH) to the “Asian” Association, covering the all of Asia and Oceania.

This is a temporary website which will be operated until our official website is launched. We will continue to experiment with various projects and propose a new Mission Statement and Bylaws, which will hopefully be approved by the General Meeting of the Association in two years’ time.

Mission Statement

Provisional mission statement (Currently under discussion among council and secretary members):

The Asian Association for Environmental History is a dynamic organisation dedicated to conducting and furthering research on Asian environmental issues through a historical lens and global environmental issues through an Asian perspective. Emphasising interdisciplinary approaches, our focus spans across a wide temporal spectrum within Asia and Asian diasporas, fostering opportunities for planetary, regional, local, and comparative studies. Our Association actively promotes scholarship that explores the intricate relationships between humans and the natural world, as well as interactions and intra-actions between humans and non-humans throughout history and we seek where possible to communicate with researchers from other fields, educators, and the public in learning about environmental issues from a historical perspective. Our membership is both interdisciplinary and international, reflecting the rich diversity and interconnectedness of Asian and related global environments necessary to investigate the deep time of human/natural history.

President of AAEH

Satoshi Murayama (Kagawa University, Takamatsu, Japan) was elected as President of the Asian Association for Environmental History (AAEH) by General Meeting of AEAEH on 1 July 2023 for a two-year term (2023-2024).

Vice President of AAEH

Toru Terao (Kagawa University, Takamatsu, Japan) and Taro Takemoto (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan) were appointed by the President as Vice Presidents of AAEH for a two-year term (2023-2024).

Council of AAEH

Five members of AEAEH were elected to serve as Council members of AAEH by the General Meeting on 1 July 2023, and seven members were appointed by the President. They are (in alphabetical order):

  1. Shen Hou (Peking University, China)
  2. Jaehwan Hyun (Pusan National University, Korea)
  3. Shinobu Iguro (Otani University, Japan)
  4. Wakako Kumakura (Keio University, Japan)
  5. Jongmin Lee (University of Science and Technology, Korea)
  6. Jung Lee (Ewha Womans University, Korea)
  7. Michael Shiyung Liu (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
  8. Jenia Mukherjee (Indian Institute of Technology, Khargpur, India)
  9. Atsushi Ota (Keio University, Japan)
  10. Federico Paolini (University of Macerata, Italy)
  11. Hrvoje Petrić (University of Zagreb, Croatia)
  12. Fiona Williamson (Singapore Management University, Singapore)

AAEH Secretariat

The International Consortium for Earth and Development Sciences (ICEDS), Kagawa University, Takamatsu, Japan; You can contact us by sending an email to iceds.aaeh@gmail.com. We would like to take this opportunity to confirm your member registration. We will soon send information to the email address where you are currently registered. If you would like to become a new member, please enter your information in the Forms. Of course, we will not unnecessarily disclose the information you send us, and we do not plan to use it for any purpose other than the association’s activities. After entering your information, please send a confirmation email to the above email address.

Secretary team:

  • Satoshi Murayama, President of AAEH (AEAEH), Co-Convener of ICEDS, Kagawa University.
  • Toru Terao, Vice-President and Secretary General of AAEH (AEAEH); Director of ICEDS, Kagawa University; Representative of JSPS Asian Core-To-Core Program.
  • Taro Takemoto, Vice-President of AAEH (AEAEH); Representative of Environmental History Network in Japan.
  • Jingyuan Wu, Executive Secretary of AAEH (AEAEH); Research Fellow of ICEDS, Kagawa University; Doctoral Student at the University of Tokyo.