Dr. Toru Terao,
Professor in Meteorology, Faculty of Education, Kagawa University

The International Consortium for Earth and Development Sciences (ICEDS) was established by Kagawa University in Takamatsu, Japan, to accelerate multidiscipline communications on the global and regional environment and society.

  • The aim of the consortium is to foster environmental humanities by linking the earth sciences with human, social, and landscape development.
  • In particular, it is tasked with realizing a theoretical and historical dialogue between environmental sciences and economics.

The Consortium originates in the General Agreement concluded in 2010 between Kagawa University and Gram Bangla, a private institution for environmental action research and practices in Bangladesh that started its mission in 1992 in a district called Kanchanpur, where it engaged in drilling wells, women’s health, occupational training, agricultural development, and early childhood education.

In February 2015, the two parties renewed the General Agreement and established Bylaws in order to expand the consortium into a unique network of academic cooperation agreements based on individually concluded agenda. We welcome new members representing different spheres, and seek collaboration with different groups in Japan and overseas to mutually learn about what is occurring in our world and to explore the necessary responses and solutions. We hope to encourage exchange among students and private entities as well.

We look forward to hearing from interested institutions and organizations and joining hands with a diversity of agencies in a wide range of earth and development sciences.


People of ICEDS:


Dr. Toru Terao (Meteorology), Professor, Faculty of Education, Kagawa University, Japan;


Dr. Satoshi Murayama (Environmental-Economic History), Professor Emeritus, Kagawa University, Japan;

Research Fellow:

Dr. Nazmul Huda (Environmental Sociology), Assistant Professor, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh;

Dr. Masahide Ishizuka (Hydrology), Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Design, Kagawa University, Japan;

M.A. Hiroko Nakamura (Sustainability Coordinator), Research Collaborator, Faculty of Education, Kagawa University, Japan;

Dr. Yumiko Takagi (Chemistry/SDGs), Professor, Faculty of Education, Kagawa University, Japan;

M.A. Jingyuan Wu (International development, environmental cooperation), PhD student, Department of International Studies, University of Tokyo, Japan;

Dr. Michio Yamada (Applied Mathematics, incl. Data Analysis, Amateur Radio Operator), Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University

Corresponding Partner:


Office Management:

B.A. Shiori Fujioka (Web);

B.A. Tomohiro Murayama (GIS/Data Analysis);

B.A. Masataka Yatsuduka (Teshima Water Project: Project Manager)

Member organizations of ICEDS:

Gram Bangla (Dhaka, Bangladesh);

Association for Local History and Topography of Kôzai, Sanuki, Japan (Takamatsu, Japan);

Takahama-chiku Shinkôkai [Takahama District Promotion Association] (Amakusa, Japan);

Iwakura no Rekishi to Bunka wo Manabu Kai [Iwakura History and Culture Study Group] (Iwakura, Kyoto, Japan);

Maizuru Yamajiro Kenkyûkai [Study Group on Mountain Castles in Maizuru] (Maizuru, Japan);

Maizuru Chihôshi Kenkyûkai [Maizuru Local History Research Association](Maizuru, Japan);

Satoumi Zukuri Kenkyûkaigi [Research Counicil on Satoumi Development] (Okayama, Japan)