[7/12開催]GCS50 An Environmental History of the Colonial Period
Date:12 July 2024, 14:00-16:00 (JST)
(Zoom online hybrid flexible)
Place:ICEDS Room (Enkaku Kyoiku Chousa Kenkyu-shitsu),
Saiwai-machi Campus, North, Kagawa University, Building 2, 2nd Floor.
July 12, 14:00-16:00: Lecture
Dr Robert Winstanley-Chesters
(University of Edinburgh, University of Leeds, Wolfson College, Oxford)
Constructing Colonial Knowledge of Space and Place in Mengjiang:
In the Field with Keijō Imperial University’s Man-Mong Research Group and Tada Fumio
Living Spaces Project:http://dlpweb.ed.
Organized by ICEDS (= International Consortium for Earth and Development Sciences,Kagawa University) and HAELE (The Historical Association for Environmentally Local Economy)
Supported by Kaken Kiban-B (20H01523); Kaken Kiban-B (23H01661)
Core-to-Core Program (JPJSCCB20230002) and JSPS/MESS Bilateral Program
Contact e-mail:murayama.satoshi@kagawa-u.ac.jp