Call for Abstract Submission: GEWEX Open Science Conference on 7-12 Jul., in Sapporo
Abstract Submission for 9th GEWEX Open Science Conference on 7-12 July in Sapporo is now open.
There are so many (more than 40) sessions (I hear that they will reorganize them into some reasonal number of sessions later), and are categolized into:
Areas: (5 areas, incl. ‘open session’ ),
Topics: (Several topics in each Area),
Sessions: (Several sessions in each Topic).
They are listed in the following page.
You can select any session(s) from above. There is a reference png file at the bottom of this page.
We have proposed an AsiaPEX session, in which we will discuss on upcoming field observation and modeling campaign for Asian monsoon.
_Observational and Modeling Initiatives for the Asian Monsoon Field Campaign (AsiaPEX and AMY-II)
If you have any ideas on design of field campaign for Asian monsoon, it is highly welcome!
The AsiaPEX session above is under the Area and Topic below.
Area: Determination of the extent to which Earth’s water cycle can be observed and predicted
Topic: Regional and catchment scale perspective on the water and energy cycles
Submission deadline: 19th February, 2024
Abstract submission fee: 9000JPY / -60USD
Word and character limitation:
“A minimum requirement of 300 words or 1500 characters, and a maximum of 1000 words or 5000 characters.”
You can submit up to two abstracts.
You have to login to the GEWEX page from the page below (you may have to sign up when you login for the first time)
You can find GEWEX OSC page from the Event List page of GEWEX below:

We are looking forward to your submission of abstracts!
Any questions and comments are highly welcome.