Author Archives: ICEDS writer - Page 6
GCS21 Water conditions on karst plateau and giant limestone caves in Slovenia [スロベニア:カルスト台地の水事情と巨大鍾乳洞]
Time and Date 10:00-12:00 Venue 香川大学 グローバルカフェ Opening Address Kenji Fukuda (Former Japanese Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Slovenia) Open Lecture Melisa Lazarevic (Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana)Luka Lazarevic…
GCS20 Impact of 30 year long social unrest on natural resources in Assam Valley
Time and Date 14:00-16:00 Venue 香川大学 遠隔教育調査研究室 Lecture Subashisa Dutta (Department of Civil Engineering/Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati) Brochure
GCS19 Education in Bangladesh
Time and Date 16:20-17:50 Venue Kagawa University ICEDS Project Room Lecture Nazmul Huda (Graduate School of Engineering/Kagawa University) Brochure
GCS18 Floods Mechanisms: Bangladesh and Japan in Monsoon Asia
Time and Date 16:20-17:50 Venue Kagawa University ICEDS Project Room Lecture Toru Terao (ICEDS/Kagawa University) Satoshi Murayama (ICEDS/Kagawa University) Brochure
GCS17 Floods: Comparative Perspectives in Asia Monsoon Regiions
Time and Date 14:00-18:00 Venue Kagawa University ICEDS Project Room Lecture Nazmul Huda (Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology) Satoshi Murayama (ICEDS/Kagawa University) Toru Terao (ICEDS/Kagawa University) Brochure
The 1st International Workshop of ESSDMS (24-26 Dec. 2018)
The objective of the 1st international workshop of ESSDMS was to foster international linkage and collaboration among interdisciplinary researchers, which will emit an agenda for the implementation of early warning…
GCS13 東日本大震災を伝える―香川の教育者の卵たちへ(仮題)
Time and Date 13:30-15:50 Lecture 堀込智之氏(元石巻工業高校教頭) 徳水博志氏(一般社団法人雄勝花物語共同代表・宮城教育大学非常勤講師)
GCS12 豊島の歴史をつなぐ
Time and Date 13:30-14:30 Venue Kagawa University Room 411 Lecture 大川真郎氏 (豊島弁護団副団長・元日弁連事務総長) Brochure
Overview of “Living Spaces under Changing Climate and Environment (2016)”
We held the international workshop "Living Spaces under Changing Climate and Environment" across Meghalaya and Assam in 7-9th November, 2016. For more information of this event, please see the PDF.…
GCS11 Rain Museum as a Geopark
Time 20 January 2016(Wed) 13:00-14:50 Room Distance Learning Laboratory, Kagawa University Program Rain Museum in one of the World's heaviest rainfall zone: A Leap into nature's marvels Hiambok Jones Syiemlieh…