【Registration】9th GEWEX OSC AsiaPEX Sessions & Workshops
Last Updated: 24 June, 2024

AsiaPEX will have four sessions and workshops (Main Event, Program A, and Subevents, Programs B to D) at 9th GEWEX Open Science Conference held from 7th to 12th July at Keio Plaza Hotel Sapporo. For Main Event, all registered participants of GEWEX/OSC can join freely. You can register Programs B and D from the following Forms links. We are looking forward to meeting you!
*Sometimes, the number of chairs is limited, and the earlier will win.
*For details of AsiaPEX Summer Starlight party held on 9th July, please visit here.
Main Event
Program A “GEWEX/OSC AsiaPEX Sessions & Workshop”(9th July)
Session 1:13:30~15:00 @Keio Plaza Hotel Sapporo Eminence Hall-B
- AsiaPEX Science Plan
- AsiaPEX Observational Studies
- AsiaPEX Process Studies
Poster:15:30~17:00 @Keio Plaza Hotel Sapporo Plaza Hall & Cherry
Session 2:17:00~18:30 @Keio Plaza Hotel Sapporo Eminence Hall-B
- Multiple Scale Predictability
- High-resolution Hydrological Modeling
- Synergy Effect of AsiaPEX
- Climate Projections and Modeling
Workshop:18:30~19:00 @Keio Plaza Hotel Sapporo Eminence Hall-B
Summary of Session
Lightning Talks
Closing Talk
Sub Events
Program B “Workshop on AsiaPEX in SE-Asia & Mongolia”
Part 1:12:30-13:20, 8 July @Sohjuan, Keio Plaza Hotel Sapporo, 4F
Part 2:14:30-15:20, 12 July @ Room 4A, TKP Sapporo White Building Conference Center
Program C “Core-to-Core AsiaPEX Reception” (Invited Only)
19:00-21:00, 11 July @ Room 6C, TKP Sapporo White Building Conference Center
Program D “Workshop on Storm Modeling over NE Indian Subcontinent”
Part 1:14:30-18:00, 12 July @ Room 2B, TKP Sapporo White Building Conference Center
Part 2:10:00-12:00, 13 July @ Hokkaido University
You can register Program B and D from the following Forms links.
Program B
Program D